Tag Archives: #netflix

Winter Break

Hey guys! We just got back from Winter Break yesterday. Winter Break was really fun, starting with the Friday we got out. I went shopping for Valentine’s Day to help my dad pick out my mom’s present. Then we went out to eat. On Valentine’s Day, I baked cookies. (more like burned cookies..note to self: baking isn’t your thing). Then, I hung out with my boyfriend. We went to eat at a Mexican restaurant (our favorite), and then we went bowling. We stopped by a local gas station and got some really good ice cream (even tho it was like twenty degrees outside lol). The day after, I went to church and baby sat my niece, Ashlynn (she’s three months old, and the cutest little thing). The next day I watched my favorite show, Switched at Birth on Netflix, and went to tumbling. On Tuesday I had my boyfriend over and then we went to Atlanta to watch my sister play basketball. On Wednesday, (the last day of break) I went to cheer. My Winter Break was really fun!

~Anna GraceĀ